Christmas Miracles, Missing New York, and Life Changing Decisions

Let’s lighten the mood up here a little bit, shall we? First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for your kind words in the comments, in emails and facebook messages. If I haven’t emailed you back, trust me, I will. I just need to stop tearing up every time I read them! No words can describe how much your support means to me, though. So, thank you. Between the outpouring of love for Brandy in the Blogosphere yesterday (really, its never too late to send positive thoughts so please go send them if you haven’t!), and everyones support today, I am reminded of exactly why I blog. This is an amazing community, it really is.


This long holiday weekend was life changing, let me tell you. Not only did I leave the house twice and indulge in eggnog, cookies and hot apple cider, but I figured some shit out in my life.

But first, before we get to that, lets touch on this little Christmas Miracle: I LOST THREE POUNDS. I know, how the eff did THAT happen? I ate so many snickerdoodles, those little peanut butter cookies with the hershey kiss on them, nutballs, gingerbread cookies, gingerbread CAKE, sugar cookies…I’m practically made out of sugar and dough at this point. Christmas Eve’s stomach gymnastics aside, I have been eating myself silly this weekend and somehow, LOST weight. You better believe I’m giving the scale the wary eye, while at the same time celebrating. I am officially down to my normal, average weight after a year and a half of being at my biggest. I know that numbers shouldn’t count, but it does make me feel better. Especially when you go to GAP and realize you’ve dropped one pant size! PARTY TIME!

Friday and Saturday night I pulled out the wine and had a glass (or two) and put on some Lady Gaga  to dance around to while I was stuck at home. Not any different really than any old day in my house but I did add in a fashion show.

Everyone asks me when I’m coming back to visit the city and while visiting is high up on my list, it’s not possible right now. While I don’t want to live in NYC again, just yet, I do miss it. I miss my friends, all the things to do and see and all the pretty dresses I own that are severely underused here. Every time I would go out on a weekend, I would doll myself up in a pretty party dress and hit the town. It’s hard not being social. My good friend from NYC said it best: You’re not built for the suburbs.

It made me a little nostalgic to play around in them, but it also made me feel pretty good because dresses I bought a couple years ago that I’ve clung to in the hopes they will ever fit again, NOW FIT. I love impromptu fashion shows.

So this weekend was life-changing huh? Yeah, it really was.

You see, Doni is moving to Colorado, right? We have been talking a lot lately about me joining her and at first it was just an idea being thrown out there. Then the night before Christmas Eve my parents threw in my face that Christmas was over after this weekend and I have to have a PLAN and SOON.. A plan that involves me getting out of the house. They said I should just move somewhere and try to get a job once there. (I wonder if they’ve been reading Nicole…)

So this plan has been swirling around in my head and when Doni said that I should be her third roommate in Boulder, I started seriously thinking about it. I did my usual thing where I dance around with oh it’d be awesome to just pick up and go but I don’t know if I can do it. Reading over my archives the past couple nights, I found that I did exactly that before Europe happened. Yet, I took that risk, I quit my job and went to Europe for three months on a budget meant to last only 6 weeks and I said screw it. That risk paid off so amazingly well that how could this one NOT? Doing is better than sitting at home at my parents staring at the four walls I call my bedroom. Even if it’s hard, it’ll be worth the try.

Sunday morning, after a conversation with my father, several critical pieces (not a job, but other things like how I would be moving there) fell right into my lap and it’s official: I AM MOVING TO BOULDER IN A MONTH!!!!! I am being proactive and chasing my dreams to Colorado, with the hope that everything will work out (which they effing will.).

It’s going to be a month of hard work to get a job by February 1st, to get some extra cash into my bank account “just in case”, packing and doing even MORE editing of my belongings. There’s so much that needs to happen before I move but really? So trivial because I AM MOVING TO BOULDER!!!!   I could not be more excited.

Oh wait, I can because, after some research, I am going to VEGAS for the Sin City Blogger Meetup in May!!!!! Cue even MORE excitement. Who wants to be my roommate? 😉

2010 is going to be fucking awesome. Here’s to making things happen.

{Photo credit: Me!}

59 Responses

  1. This is awesome. Obviously I’m a fan of you being in Boulder.

  2. Definitely life changing! And SO SO SO cool.

  3. Wow! way to go! i might have to plan a little vaycay to colorado now… 🙂

  4. congrats! you’re going to kick ass in colorado. 🙂

  5. Good for you! I think risks are always worth it in the end, even if there is a period of insecurity.

    Have fun in Vegas. I’m incredibly jealous.

  6. YAY for life-changing decisions!!! Seriously, so happy for you and I’m glad to see you are figuring things out.

    I’m so stoked about moving out west (not sure where yet, but hopefully San Fran, Sacramento or LA!). It sounds like 2010 is going to be the Year of Big (Life Changing) Decisions for a lot of bloggers!

    Rock on, lady!! Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures to/in Boulder!


  7. Best of luck with your big decision!!! You are so much braver than I am. 🙂

  8. That’s awesome! Sometimes, you just have to DO it.

  9. Congrats!! That is truly awesome!

  10. I just decided to move to Colorado too! But not until summer so I can save, get a job, etc. It’s a big change for me, but like you I am so excited! Best of luck! 😉

  11. That is so amazing! Such a brave decision, and I know it’ll be life-changing, in a good way. And having Doni as a roommate? Can’t beat that!

  12. That’s awesome – You and Doni!!!

  13. I wish I had your courage to just up and move. It seems so impossible to me. Maybe one day. Good luck and can’t wait to read about your travels.

  14. You go, girl! 😉

    Congrats, this is awesome.

  15. That’s amazing! Ah! So many great things are happening 🙂 Congrats to you!

  16. How amazing! Colorado is beautiful. May all your dreams come true in Boulder!

  17. You hear that? That’s the sound of Life Happening:)

    Congrats, and good for you. Doni’s a good influence!

  18. I’m so glad you figured everything out this week 🙂 I can’t believe you are up and moving to Colorado and I’m so glad I found your blog and get to follow you on your journey. Plus, I want to read your posts about Europe…can you direct me to a link there?

  19. i am such a fan of this. it means i can come see you and doni and matt and chelsea ALL AT THE SAME TIME. sigh. i don’t wanna be married and settled anymoreeeeeeeee. (kidding. sort of)

    i love this. and you. and your roomie.

    • I love that you are going to come visit. Convince matt he wants to live in CO with us. Or at least share, I don’t mind a joint custody arrangement 😉

  20. heres to new begginnings in the new year e-tequila shot in celebration:)

  21. Good for you! Here’s to an awesome 2010!

  22. I am in the market for a Vegas roomie!! I can’t wait for my very first blogger adventure. So excited you are going too 🙂

  23. OMG…Wow!! I don’t know why, but was at first shocked to read this, but then I remembered when I met your blog…just days before you took off for Europe! LOL Congratulations!! I can’t wait to read all about this new adventure! I’m excited for you!!! 😀

  24. Congrats, darlin!! That is HUGE!!!!!!!1

  25. Yayy this is amazing! Congrats dear 🙂 I have every intention of visiting Doni in CO and now you’re one more reason to go!

  26. YAY!!! Congratulations!

  27. I’m really excited for you. I have a plan for moving but mine is going to be at least 2 years in the making so to have the freedom to just pick up and go is brilliant.

  28. that’s totally thrilling! so excited for you and cant wait to hear all about your adventures! xo

  29. Congrats! That’s awesome! Wishing you the best of luck!!

  30. First off, I LOVE your banner. And secondly, congrats and best wishes!

  31. Love this post and your blog. New to blogging and just had to put it on my blog roll. I second a kick-ass 2010! Goodluck with your move to Colorado!

  32. Whoa!! Cue huge excitement for you. I’m absolutely pumped! Matt, Doni and you all in CO?! That’s it. Official trip IS IN ORDER!

  33. I cannot wait to read all about this! What fun you will have.

  34. So cool! Way to grab your life by the balls!

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